The Calendar is full! Well not really, but we have several jobs lined up. The majority of these jobs are for child photography. We had one shoot this weekend and the weather barely cooperated, but we got some pretty good shots. I really have to watch my metering and fill flash. some of the pics were pretty under exposed and the eyes were pretty dark. Lesson learned...
Laurie was a big help with carrying gear and holding the light. I really wish I had popped out the umbrella but I was trying to travel light and keep things dry. The omni bounce did a servicable job. We have another shoot on Wednesday, and we're traveling to East Tennessee on Saturday to take pictures for one of our friends.
I'll post some pics when we get back.
Here is something scary I've learned since shooting with the 40D. When converting the CR2 RAW files to TIFF, in DPP, each file is 50+ MBs. So the 214 shots we took on Sunday used up 11 Gigs of hard drive space. It also took forever to convert.
It'll be nice when I get Lightroom :)
That's all for now.