Thursday, June 12, 2008
We've Moved
Check us out! We're staying busy now...
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
One Wedding in the Books...Site is Coming Along
We shot our first wedding last weekend and I was really happy with how everything turned out. We got some great shots and the bride was really psyched. We didn't have a lot of time to shoot prior to the wedding but we managed to squeeze off about 400 photos before the show got started. I wasn't real happy with the reception shots so I'll try and get some inspiration for next time.
I've really got to get out and shoot more and stop stressing about when the next gig will come along. We met up with some new friends last week also w/ They were really helpful volunteering info and giving us some stuff to think about.
We've also got the site "Up"! Well we bought a domain and threw some pictures. I've thought about just building a simple site myself, but it looks more and more like I might have someone build it for me. I've just sorta' looked at the guys who buit the Chase Jarvis site and they were surprisingly affordable. We hope to get some branding done this week so we can get some business cards printed out.
That's all for now.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Way Too Long
Alright, It's been way too long for me to post. We've been super busy shooting and haven't had a lot of time to post. About a month ago we sent out an email to basically everyone we know. It has seriously paid off. We've got tons of referals from those folks and we are now in a postion to actually charge.
Also, I bought a domain which is currently under construction. I'm just going to throw some stuff up there until I can have someone create a real site for me. I've put some maternity pictures of my sister up just to have something on the site.
I also downloaded the lightroom 2.0 beta and I'm loving it. I feel like I can get the skin tones really nice thanks to the clarity slider. Looks like I'll have to buy it... There goes a little more money.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Long Time, No Blog
I haven't posted anything in a while, but I thought I'd add something here. We've done two shoots since I last posted and picked up another job. I've also been trying to get better with my off camera lighting by playing with strobes in my bonus room.
One thing I learned is that I need to carry the shoot through umbrella more. I had several pictures with dark eyes and needed a lot of fill. A reflector may have helped also. But, that's why I'm not charging anyone...yet.
Another thing I've learned is that I need to have a good idea for the shoot before it goes down. The first thing my last two guinea pigs asked is, "What do you have in mind." It sure would be easier if they knew what they wanted. Next time I'll have a game plan for the shoot.
Monday, February 25, 2008
The Calendar is full! Well not really, but we have several jobs lined up. The majority of these jobs are for child photography. We had one shoot this weekend and the weather barely cooperated, but we got some pretty good shots. I really have to watch my metering and fill flash. some of the pics were pretty under exposed and the eyes were pretty dark. Lesson learned...
Laurie was a big help with carrying gear and holding the light. I really wish I had popped out the umbrella but I was trying to travel light and keep things dry. The omni bounce did a servicable job. We have another shoot on Wednesday, and we're traveling to East Tennessee on Saturday to take pictures for one of our friends.
I'll post some pics when we get back.
Here is something scary I've learned since shooting with the 40D. When converting the CR2 RAW files to TIFF, in DPP, each file is 50+ MBs. So the 214 shots we took on Sunday used up 11 Gigs of hard drive space. It also took forever to convert.
It'll be nice when I get Lightroom :)
That's all for now.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
A Quick Hello
So Laurie got me this book last week about word of mouth marketing. I would give it a 2.5 out 5 stars, but it did get me moving into action on getting the word out. The big thing this week was to let everyone know what I'm doing and basically offered to take pictures of anyone and everyone for free just to build a portfolio. I sent an email out to everybody in my address book which was a handful of people. As expected, got lots of offers for baby pictures and couples. What I didn't expect, was how many people replied. A lot of which were people I didn't email. I received several response from people that had been forwarded my introductory email. I'll have tons of practice over the coming months.
My little self assignment tonight is to fill two of my 2 Gig cards with the boys from Savannah Jack. They are playing tonight at the Blue Bird Cafe. It doesn't start until 9:00 pm so tomorrow morning will be rough. I'll post some picks after the show.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Pretty Similar Setup ;)
Monday, February 11, 2008
It's Here!
I had to chase the UPS man around town but I was finally able to catch him. Yes, I tracked the UPS driver with my super survival skills and captured the most elusive prey...The 40D. Ok maybe a little to much Planet Earth.
Laurie aloud me to take this picture and then she packed it up and hid it until Valentines day. I'll see you soon my friend.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
More Of the Same
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
New Gear!!!!!!!!
Monday, January 28, 2008
What's On Tap For This Week
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Here We Go
The plan is to read 3 books a month in 3 specific areas. I'd like to find one book dealing with just photography (mostly portraiture), one that deals with business/marketing, and lastly a creative inspiration book. I have several books that I've picked out on that will keep me busy. If you are thinking about doing something similar, check your local library. I was able to take two of the books I was planning on reading off my list just by wandering through the stacks. If you are interested in starting any business or finding a new career path, I would seriously consider looking into a book called "48 Days To The Work You Love" by Dan Miller. It's given me tons of inspiration and information about how to get started. Since I'm currently in the IT industry, Ill also be using a Project Management book I've had laying around as a reference.
Websites and other blogs have been very helpful in learning how to take photos or just staying organized and motivated. Here are a few:
Podcasts have been another resource I've just gotten into. There are more than a few out there on the web, but Dan Miller's has been the most fun to listen to. There's another called "Up To the Top Floor" and "Tips From the Top Floor" where a guy talks about starting up a media production company. They tend to be pretty short but interesting to hear how he's gone about things. The great thing about these podcasts is than I can devote 8 hrs a day listening to great ideas while at work or driving home.
Another thing I've done the past week is carry around one of those old school composition books just to jot down ideas or things that I might want to look up when I have a chance. You wouldn't believe how much this has helped. In one week I've filled 5 pages with ideas about marketing the business, new photo techniques, and operational ideas. Today's fun little exercise will be creating a gantt chart to time out all the areas involved.
I still have a lot of research to do (such as whether or not to set up an LLC). I'll hopefully have that done by the end of this month or the beginning of next month. If anyone has questions or words of wisdom, just leave them in the comments. I'd love to hear them.
That's all for now. I'll keep you posted on what's going on...
My Quarter Life Crisis
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
I plan to use this site to document my trasition from cubicle dweller to professional photographer. I've come to the realization that my dreams and talents are not really suited for my current job and I'm ready for a change. So for tonight, I'll just leave you with this...
"Life is never made unbearable by circumstances, but only by lack of meaning and purpose."